Thursday 8 March 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

As a result of not getting a desired 3d look of a morphing effect. I decided to do the effect in after effects. I used a plugins to create this effect. One of them was (Trapecode Particular) The other was (Optical flares) from video-copilot. Here are different variations of the same thing

This was test 1 of an effect that i did in after effects, just in case the 3d morph doesn't work out.

This is an effect i did for one of the shots assign to me. It included a fair amount of tracking involved in after effects tracker.

I used this tutorial as a guide. Not so much to follow exactly, but to gain understanding as in how to track a phone screen in after effects.

Here's a link to the tutorial.
This was a short test to see if the background could be keyed out. And successfully it did.